'It wasn't me': but report says it was Emanuele Pozzolo who shot on New Year's Eve

“It was not me.” From January 1 until a few days ago, the deputy of Fratelli d'Italia, Emanuele Pozzolo, repeated in all interviews that he did not pull the trigger of the North American Arms LR22 that injured Luca Campana on New Year's Eve in Rosazza, in the province of Biella. Today, Raffaella Sorropago's ballistics report denies it. It was he who held in his hand the revolver as small as a lighter, the barrel open and ready to fire. While subsequent investigations carried out by prosecutor Teresa Angela Camelio found that escort leader Pablito Morello was present while Andrea Delmastro was not in the Pro Loco room decorated for New Year's Eve. The result corresponds to the Stub test, which immediately detected Pozzolo's positivity.

“He put the revolver on the table”

This report was the last act expected by investigators before closing the investigation. The Republic he says that the analysis of the table proves the proximity of the revolver. This means that the reconstruction provided by the injured Campana was closest to the truth: “There was Pozzolo handling the weapon. Next to him Morello and then me. We were all very close to the table. At one point, I saw Pozzolo open the cylinder, probably to show the cartridges.” Pozzolo “put the revolver on the table. Immediately afterwards, the gun went off.” The bullet mark and powder stain remained on the wood. Two hypotheses to explain the MP's behavior:

  • Pozzolo manipulated the weapon to secure it and took it apart;
  • or he showed it to the one who was close to him, namely the escort leader Morello.

The convocation

When he was summoned to the prosecution, the FdI deputy avoided answering the call. He is also under investigation for illegal possession of weapons. In the meantime, he had another assessment carried out by one of his consultants: Pierpaolo Soldati. So now that all the cards in the prosecution's hand are known, he could finally appear before the magistrates. In any case, three genetic profiles were found on the revolver. Which belong to Pozzolo, Pablito Morello and his son Maverick. During the interrogation, a witness also confirmed this: “There was a small group of men around this table. They all carried weapons. » Then I shoot it. And today, a deputy is in difficulty.

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