Ornella Vanoni's prediction: “In my opinion, I will die on stage”

Singer Ornella Vanoni is 89 years old and has her last album Revolutionary calm it is dated 2023. And today in an interview with Republic he ventures a prediction: “In my opinion, I will die on stage”. Fabio Fazio has been speaking in La Nove for some time: “My Sunday has changed, I go out at nine in the evening, I come back at half past eleven. I say what I think, I have fun.” And she says she doesn't feel like a diva: “I'm not kidding, I don't want to be humble, I still have so many doubts about myself- same. When I was younger I was a tragedy, before singing I had anxiety; I drank a whiskey and a coffee, a doctor recommended it to me, a great combination.”

The toy boy

She also does not give up giving report cards to her colleagues: “Emma has a beautiful, recognizable voice, Elodie is growing but needs to find a good song; then he would really take a leap. She is so beautiful and such a great presence. » And she explains: “I haven’t been free for years. They sent me to boarding school, I didn't come back until the summer. I was obedient, I never thought of escaping through the window, I never tried to escape. Then I met Strehler and I freed myself from the bourgeoisie but I was still — let's say — led by a man who loved me and who was a genius. I learned more by attending his rehearsals than by studying.” And he says that “freedom has a very high price, today I would like to have someone. But I would have an old scam next to me, then no, and the toy boy doesn't interest me. We find ourselves alone with my dog ​​Ondina.”

The 90 years

The 90th birthday he will celebrate in September, he says, is “just a pause: if you don't have a fault here, another one pops up there. To say that old age is beautiful is heresy, but we can live it well if we manage to do things.” He also talks about politics: “For the moment, it does not seem to me that the left has any ideas, it 'It's as if she had to come out of a coma. And the right is taking advantage of it. The left did everything for the right to win, they worked hard. Then they brought out a girl, Schlein: are we sure that' was the right one? Meloni stood out. Unfortunately, the side dish ruined the whole thing.” But what really scares him is “if Trump wins.” I find what he did, the attack on the Senate, despicable. This man scares me.”

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