Distracted driving is the main cause of road accidents

The analysis of data on the causes of road accidents, among which distracted driving stands out, is essential to develop an effective strategy to combat the phenomenon. Distraction, speed and refusal to give way, which according to ISTAT together caused 40.7% of accidents in 2018, they fell to 38.1% in 2022.

Remember that the European Commission has called for the number of deaths and serious injuries to be halved by 2030, as well as zero casualties by 2050.

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Also, all causes attributable to incorrect behavior of drivers and pedestrians were 92.4% in 2022, while they were at 93.7% in 2018.

Distracted driving: the plan to combat accidents

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport has developed the National Road Safety Plan 2030, which is based on five pillars: road safety management, safer infrastructure, post-accident assistance, safer vehicles and behaviors are considered the key points and relevant investments to spread the culture of road safety in schools, implement through training meetings and projects, such as Edustrada And Icarus. The objective is to educate young people in conscious citizenshipso that they internalize the values ​​necessary to assume responsible and constructive forms of coexistence.

The laws are also helpful in reducing accidents caused by distracted driving, with the government having submitted a set of regulations for parliamentary scrutiny.

Training meetings in schools

Stefano Guarnieri, president of the Lorenzo Guarnieri association, named after his son, victim of a road homicide in 2010, insists on the importance of information campaigns to correct incorrect behavior.

Edward von Freymann, also very active with young people, uses a wheelchair after a motorcycle accident and also named a foundation after his daughter Gaia, who died following a collision on a pedestrian crossing.

We must insist on the education of children, because Young people will play a crucial role in the fight against distracted drivingwhich is the main cause of road accidents.

In issue 3 of our What Now magazine, we devoted an in-depth analysis of the positive figures linked to the reduction in accidents and the policies put in place to continue to combat them. You can browse it digitally or buy it in paper format on Amazon.

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