Corruption perception index, Italy in 42nd place out of 180 countries

Italy confirms the score of 56 on the Corruption Perception Index (CPI), developed by Transparency International for the year 2023. Translated, ours ranks 42nd in the world ranking of the 180 countries examined and, furthermore, confirms Italy in 17th among the 27 in the European Union.

The Corruption Perception Index developed each year by Transparency International ranks countries according to the level of corruption perceived in the public sector, through the use of 13 analysis and survey tools intended for an audience of experts. The final score is determined on the basis of a scale ranging from 0 (high level of perceived corruption) to 100 (low level of perceived corruption).

“The consolidation of our country’s score in the 2023 CPI confirms Italy among the group of European countries most committed to transparency and the fight against corruption. A result which is also the result of the application of certain regulatory measures adopted in the field of whistleblowers and public procurement,” said Michele Calleri, president of Transparency International Italia.

The fact that from 2012 to today our country's index has increased by 14 points is a thermometer of a positive trend.

In detail, 26% concern files relating to the public procurement sector, 16% to the health sector and finally 5% to files for which the offense is prescribed.

Corruption Perception Index Transparency

Corruption Perception Index

“The proposed European anti-corruption directive, which aims to provide all member states with common standards to combat the phenomenon of corruption, is an opportunity to be seized to obtain concrete improvements also in Italy – said Giovanni Colombo, director of Transparency International Italy. – we benefit from historic stimuli from Europe to move forward on this subject and progress towards the realization of cultural, social and economic benefits.

“In 2024, companies will be involved in reporting their environmental, social and economic actions in accordance with the criteria of the European Directive on Sustainable Development (Corporate Sustainability Reporting – CSRD) which – continued Colombo – places particular emphasis on combating against corruption, transparency and ethical business, reinforcing the trend of convergence between integrity and sustainability underway in companies and public bodies, with mutual benefits”.

The CPI developed by Transparency International for the year 2023 shows that In Europe, anti-corruption efforts are stalled or declining in more than three-quarters of the region's countries. Indeed, from the 2023 edition of the IPC emerges that since 2012, out of 31 countries assessed, only 6, including Italy, have improved their score, while 8 have recorded a decline.

“With an average score of 65 out of 100, Western Europe and the European Union remain the region with the highest score in the Corruption Perception Index (CPI), reads the Transparency International note Italia – but the effectiveness of anti-corruption measures continues to be compromised by the weakening of systems of checks and balances between different powersTHE”.

In 2023, the European Commission proposed measures to strengthen the tools available to EU member states to fight corruption. Among these, an anti-corruption directive aimed to harmonize the legal rules of all Member States against corruption offenses, to strengthen criminal sanctions and to broaden the measures available to law enforcement authorities for such offenses.

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