155 beaches suitable for children

A beach comfortable and with the necessary space between the parasols to allow free play and quiet. A calm and clean sea where the water does not immediately become too high. Beach assistants, equipment and services, catering. Without forgetting the fun, for adults and children. It is these qualities that make a seaside resort a child size.

For summer 2024, they are 155 green flags were awardedthat is, 155 beaches, selected by, have been recognized as destinations with these characteristics 2,949 pediatricians, Italian and foreign.

The flags were presented at the House of Culture “La porta della Terra” of the Municipality of San Salvo:In total in Italy, from north to south, 147 were hoisted, one every 55 km, with differences depending on the region – illustrated the pediatrician Italo Farnetani, creator of the green flags and research coordinator for the awarding of the prizes – 5 others are well planted in the rest of Europe, 3 in Africa. Abruzzo appears to be the “greenest” region in Italy as it has the highest density of green flags.one every 11.8 km, followed by Emilia-Romagna (one every 13.5 km) and Marche (one every 13.8 km). But in absolute numerical values, Calabria occupies first place, with a total of 20 green flags. Second is Sicily with 18 and third is Sardinia with 16.“.

At the foot of the podium, fourth place tied, Marche and Puglia with 13. While al fifth, still tied, Abruzzo and Tuscany with 11.

The official flag handover ceremony is scheduled for July 6 in Fasano (Brindisi).at the Palazzo di Città, in collaboration with the municipal administration – explains Farnetani – I am invited the mayors and ambassadors of the awarded municipalities and states. For pediatricians, who worked voluntarily, without remuneration, profit or sponsor intervention, it was a professional indication and a medical opinion established on the basis of knowledge of the real growth, health, physical and psycho-emotional needs of minors“.

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