Salvini hugs Trump after conviction: “Persecuted by American judges, even here in Italy, the left uses these means”

Stormy Daniels' trial may have resulted in a conviction across the board (34 out of 34 crimes confirmed), but former US President Donald Trump has at least one consolation: Matteo Salvini is on his side. The leader of the League has in fact allowed himself a break with the Italian and European themes of the vigorous electoral campaign to send via magnate from abroad: “Solidarity and full support for @realDonaldTrump. Victim of judicial persecution and a politically motivated trial”, writes the leader of the League in English. Hence the bold transatlantic parallel: “In Italy, we unfortunately know the use of the judicial system as a weapon by the left For years, attempts have been made to eliminate political opponents by legal means. I hope that Trump will win. This would be a guarantee of greater balance and hope for world peace. he. Two days ago, the 2024 Republican presidential candidate said that if he had been president, he would have bombed Russia for invading Ukraine or China for Taiwan.

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