Content creator Matilde Manucci: “On Onlyfans, they pay 2 thousand euros for a video. Dependent work oppresses me”

Matilde Manucci is the first Italian designer to win on Onlyfans in January. A graduate in nursing, she now channels up to 20,000 people on her channel. Thanks to “transparency and authenticity”, he explains in an interview with Republic. I already had a huge following on Instagram, it was my followers who pushed me to open a channel on the platform. Three years ago I said to myself: “why not”, I wanted to try.” While a career in nursing “wasn’t for me. I still got my degree to let others know that I'm not stupid and because I'm not a quitter. But I don't think I will ever be able to adapt to this lifestyle, paid work oppresses me.”

From 30 euros to 2 thousand

Manucci says he prefers not to say how much he earns: “But my prices are affordable: a personalized video starts from 30 euros. Only some of my most loyal fans have spent more than 2,000 euros excluding tax on my products. » Even if the profits are not as brilliant as they appear from the outside: “Absolutely not, it depends on the notoriety and the marketing techniques used, but also on luck. We certainly need to avoid being repetitive and always come up with new ideas, especially because there is a lot of competition. People also appreciate that I manage my profile myself, while others rely on agencies to do the talking for them.” He starts working “from late afternoon, when people come back from work . I try to respond to everyone, but I pay more attention to those who unblock a video or buy a chat. It takes several hours and you have to have a lot of patience, also because I don't always have want to discuss.”

Couples experience

Manucci says the most absurd thing they asked him to do was “to make videos where I pretend to be their girlfriend.” Then there are things I say no to, because I don't want to do them or because the platform prohibits them. Explicit sex is not censored, but feces, people tied up or blood cannot be shown. One of my clients had a Tampax fetish and offered me a generous tip, but I had to refuse.” And above all “there are no trends. It happens that during certain periods, more people ask for material on the theme of foot or domination, but it's a coincidence.” Finally, he predicts that in ten years it will no longer be there: “For me, it's a way to achieve other goals of work. Maybe there are some who want to do this all their life, but I think that sooner or later the platform will be obsolete. My dream is to invest the money I save to open my business personal, but luckily I won't say anything else.”

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