Chief Rubio must delete anti-Semitic posts, the decision of the Court of Rome: the appeal of the SetteOTTO association accepted

Chef Rubio, born Gabriele Rubini, will have to delete from social networks all anti-Semitic and defamatory messages against the SetteOTTO association. This was decided as a precautionary measure by the Rome court, which accepted the association's appeal. The judges ordered Rubini to delete from his profile the “illegal and harmful communications for which he is being prosecuted, with a fine” of 500 euros for each day of delay in deletion. The Court then decided to prohibit Rubini from further disseminating the same communications, under penalty of a fine of 3 thousand euros for each time he violates this order in the future. In addition, the judge “ordered that the title and operative part of the ordinance be published, twice, in double characters than usual and in at least two columns of the newspaper la Repubblica, by and at the expense of Rubin” . Finally, we read in the order, the court ordered the Chief “to publish on X the image of the header and the device of the provision in fixed mode on the profile for 30 days”. Otherwise, expect a fine of 500 euros for each day of delay.

The reaction of the SetteOTTO association

“Mr. Rubini had accused in a post SetteOTTO of “defending the values” of “ethnic cleansing, genocide, the Nazi occupation of Palestine by Jewish supremacists and terrorist settlers, in a second post he had accused SetteOTTO of promoting hatred . , death, destruction, lies and inhumanity, equating Zionism with Nazism, fascism, suprematism, Arab and anti-Muslim hatred”, affirms the association. Satisfied with the court's decision, SetteOTTO makes call for “in public debate, especially on important and dramatic issues such as the current conflict, the right to express different opinions does not exceed the limits of the law and does not pay attention to the image and reputation of others. “

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