On April 25, Roberto Salis read, moved, the letter from his daughter Ilaria: “I want Italy to be on the right side of history” – Video

“I am here for Ilaria, my daughter is anti-fascist and this is her home.” This is what Roberto Salis, father of the activist detained for eleven months in Hungary, declared from the scene of the demonstration organized in Rome by Anpi on the occasion of the anniversary of the Liberation from Nazi fascism. “I am here to represent her until she can stand on her own two feet – Salis continues -. Ilaria has already spent April 25 in prison, that of 2023, but we did not want to publicize her situation for various reasons. This is the first April 25 that can be done and it must be the last with her in prison.” During the speech, Roberto Salis then read the words written by his daughter on April 25: “I would like to read you a few lines that we managed to obtain from Ilaria and that she insisted that I read them on this occasion”, he underlines. In the letter, the anti-fascist activist says she is “proud that in Italy we remember. every year of the expulsion of the Nazi fascists thanks to the courageous struggle of the partisans From my cell – continues Ilaria – I ardently desire that my country proves itself worthy of its history every day, that today as yesterday it wants to stand up. oppose the injustice of the world and take the right side of history. Happy April 25th. In Rome, during the Anpi procession, the chorus was finally sung: “Ilaria libera”: a tribute to the activist still detained in Hungarian prisons and now a candidate for the next European elections with the Green Alliance list and the Italian left.

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