Chief of Naval Staff Credendino: “Caio Duilio acts only defensively”

“The destroyer Caio Duilio has the sensors and weapons necessary to face threats, but above all, in-depth training.” For this reason, Admiral Enrico Credendino, Chief of Staff of the Navy, explains today in an interview with Republic“We have target drones very similar to those of the Houthis and before leaving we prepare the crews to shoot them down using the on-board guns.” But “we only act defensively,” says Credendino. Who, regarding the protection of seabed infrastructure, says: “We need to know who is transiting the seabed, where and why. We therefore need sensors, command centers and drones capable of intervening, guided by motherships which will also be manned or not. It is a sector in which we must invest: the Minister of Defense, Guido Crosetto, during the launch of the Diving Center, declared that the resources of the seabed must be equal to those of space.

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