Chico Forti arrives in Italy, announcement by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni – Video

“I am pleased to announce that after 24 years of detention in the United States, the authorization for the transfer of Chico Forti to Italy has been signed, a result of this government's diplomatic commitment to collaboration with the State of Florida and with the united United States government whom I thank. It's a day of joy for Chico, for his family and for all of us, we promised it, we did it and now we are waiting for Chico Forti in Italy.” So in a video broadcast in Washington by the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. “The transfer authorization to Italy has been signed for Chico Forti: a hug to him and his family, this is excellent news, also the result of the commitment and seriousness of the government. Another promise kept”, complimented Deputy Prime Minister and Minister Matteo Salvini. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Tajani also joins the chorus of compliments: “The signature obtained today from Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni for the authorization of the transfer of Chico Forti is an extraordinary result of the government and the Italian diplomacy. Proud of our public servants. Quietly, we continue to achieve important results. »

Chico Forti's uncle: “Meloni kept his promise”

“President Meloni called me this evening, anticipating the news of Chico's return to Italy. In every meeting I had with her over the past five years, she had always promised me. Over the past few months, I had spoken to her several times and each time she reiterated that she would bring Chico back to Italy. Now he kept his word.” This is the comment of Gianni Forti, the uncle of the thirty-year-old entrepreneur imprisoned in Florida since 1999 for murder. “I am overwhelmed by emotion, I can't even breathe , tells Forti to ANSA. I have been traveling from Italy to the United States for 25 years, I had to make at least 50 flights to Florida to achieve this result. And then hundreds of thousands of kilometers by car and by train in Italy. With the support of Chico's Friends and among the many people who have been close to us, we have promoted hundreds of events. But without any dispute, simply to provide peaceful support for our cause. I must say a big thank you to all those who always had faith during these years, convinced that Chico's return to Italy would take place.” “In twenty-five years we have had 14 governments and many promises. We shouted Chico's innocence from the rooftops. We asked for help from the Italian government which, for reasons we know well, cannot intervene directly in the judicial affairs of other states. And because of the structure special judicial process in the state of Florida, even the American president cannot intervene. In recent years, we have tried to review the process, but to no avail. We have collected 25 boxes of papers containing 50,000 documents, which we We went through one by one to find a single piece of evidence that could justify the conviction. But we didn't find it. For the second time since 2020, the government took on the case of an Italian imprisoned in the United States since 25 years. We can’t wait to hug him again,” adds Gianni.

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