Bianca Balti offers her daughter Mia frozen eggs: “A choice of freedom”

What to give to a young woman celebrating her 21st birthday? Bianca Balti has an idea: freeze eggs. At least that's what he will offer in four years to his daughter Mia, currently 17 years old. The supermodel explained that she herself had suffered a social freeze. “Do not limit my possibility of becoming a mother again within the framework of a relationship. It's a choice that gave me freedom, that is, not staying in a relationship just for fear of not being able to have my third motherhood.” Now he adds on social networks, speaking with gynecologist Marina Bellavia: “I wanted it so much. But it's a difficult decision to make: society has not yet accepted this practice. It takes courage.”

Social freeze in Italy

For this reason, he explained on his Instagram profile, the decision came after a discussion with his daughter, born from his former relationship with the photographer Cristian Lucidi: “I told him: “When you are 21, I will give you the social freeze. so at least you don't think about it anymore, you make your own life and if you were to get pregnant, you already have them there (the eggs, editor's note).” Balti then hoped: “It would be fantastic if it was free for everyone.” Egg banking involves collecting eggs and storing them for future pregnancies. In fact, at present the practice in Italy is not highly regulated and women who choose to practice it can only count on public health care in the event of health problems.


Even if the debate around the practice is gradually gaining ground: before Bianca Balti, for example, it was the actress Matilde Gioli who exposed herself. Declaring: “I'm not ready to get pregnant, but I don't want to deprive myself of it. So I thought about it and I'm going to take advantage of the social freeze.” As he remembers Corriere della SeraAt the same time, egg freezing appears to be becoming more and more widespread in the United States. For example, actress Sienna Miller revealed in an interview her decision to resort to it on her 40th birthday, in 2021: “I didn't suffer from the transition, but biology is cruel, it doesn't allow to choose, and so at 40 I froze my eggs. Now I won't have to feel the pressure anymore.”

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