As of June 30, 698,000 applications had been accepted.

The INPS Statistical Observatory announces that as of June 30, 2024, nearly 700 thousand questions related toInclusion allowance (Adi), questions that refer to as many family units and involving approximately 1.7 million citizensThe data comes from the first report dedicated to these new services.

For what concern Assistance with vocational training (Sfl), 96,000 people whose applications were accepted and the service provided.

The reference period covers the period from the first month of operation of the measure (September 2023 for SFL / January 2024 for ADI) and, for payments, until May 2024 (last month in which the data can be considered statistically consolidated).

In particular, in May 2024, the number of families benefiting from the Check was equal to 625 thousand, while thethe average amount paid monthly is equal to 618 euros.

The INPS photograph shows the following composition of the 625,000 nuclei taken into account in the study:

  • 260 thousand are present minors
  • 239 thousand are present disabled
  • Out of 297 thousand, there are people of at least 60 years
  • out of 6 thousand, there are people in conditions of ''inconvenience''

Regarding the Vocational Training Assistance, the beneficiaries between September and December 2023 were 33,000, increasing to 93,000 between January and May 2024. In total, the applications accepted for the SFL until June 30, 2024 were 96,000, including 57% women and 50% people between 50 and 59 years old.

Inclusion allowance and assistance with professional training

L'Inclusion allowance (DJA) is a national measure of fight against povertyto the fragility and social exclusion of the weakest groups through social inclusion pathways, as well as training, work and active employment policies conditioned by the possession of residence, citizenship and residence conditions, and resource conditions based on the ISEE, the income situation of the beneficiary and his family unit and adherence to a personalized pathway of activation and social and professional inclusion.

THE Assistance with vocational training (SFL) is rather a measure of activation at work through participation in training and support projects for employment, professional qualification and retraining, active employment policies whatever their name, projects useful to the community, universal public service. The measure aims to support and prepare participants to enter the job market, avoiding leaving them alone when their skills are not yet aligned with the demands of the sector.

The SFL provides, as an allowance for participation in the employment activation measures, an economic benefit of 350 euros per month. The amount is paid for the entire duration of the course or any other work activation measure, up to a maximum of 12 months.

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