Around March 8, report from the Ministry of the Interior: 120 women killed in 2023, in 25% of cases by their children

On the eve of Women's Day, no comforting news. The data on gender violence, although slightly decreasing, still paints a dramatic picture that mimosas will be difficult to stem. In 2023, 120 women were killed, a decrease of 6%. In 64 cases, the murder was committed by partners or ex-partners. These are figures that emerge from the report “March 8. International Women's Rights Day. Women victims of violence”, created by the Criminal Analysis Service of the Central Directorate of Criminal Police, Office of Mixed Forces of the Department of Public Security. Which also shows that, in approximately a quarter of cases, the murders of women arise in the context of the parent-child relationship.


In 89% of cases, it was the sons who killed the mothers. The alleged perpetrators of the murders of women are identified with percentages approaching 90%. Unlike the three years preceding 2023, which saw a steady increase in mistreatment of family members and cohabiting partners and acts of persecution, the year that has just ended marks a slight reversal of trend. However, sexual violence increased over the four-year period 2020/2023 examined by the research. But it could also be because the increased sensitivity around the phenomenon has led to a “partial overhaul of the basement,” or more reporting.

Code red enforcement

Another point described as “interesting” is that on the application of the “red code”, which notes a “significant increase” in both crimes committed and denunciations against known presumed perpetrators. Such as violating orders to move from the family home and being prohibited from approaching places frequented by the offended person. The document was produced in collaboration with Lega Pallavolo Serie A Femminile. The young champions spoke about their experiences on the value of sport in promoting true gender equality.

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