Anzola, former police commander, shoots and kills a colleague: this is how Sofia Stefani died

Her name was Sofia Stefani, she was 33 years old and she was shot and killed at the local police headquarters in Anzola Emilia, in the province of Bologna. She is a former road traffic officer who once headed the Union of Municipalities. According to the first reconstructions, it seems that the woman – in service until a few months ago – had a relationship with another former police officer. This is Giampiero Gualandi, 60 years old, former commander of the Anzola brigade and still in service, whose situation is currently being examined by investigators. The police, arriving at the scene of the crime, try to reconstruct the dynamics of the events. Inquiries are also underway by the coroner and duty prosecutor. In the meantime, the local police headquarters has been sealed off. The woman was hit in the head.


According to initial reconstructions, it appears that the shot that killed Sofia Stefani came from Gualandi's service pistol. The police officer, who will be questioned with the assistance of a defense lawyer, said the shot was fired accidentally. It all happened shortly before 4 p.m. in a room of the “Yellow House”, the local police headquarters, where the two had met. There were other people in the building. Police are hearing from witnesses to piece together what happened and what type of relationship there was between the two.

Citizen mourning

Giampiero Veronesi, mayor of Anzola, also spoke on the subject. “It is a fact that shook our municipality, the death of a 33-year-old girl by gunshot. However, even in the face of something so traumatic, we should not have the morbid curiosity to understand who did what, what their motivations were. It will depend on the investigators, at that time, who will determine the responsibilities and the culprits”, declared the mayor of the small Emilian town. “What we must do now – he added – is join the family of Sofia It is a devastating loss and that is why we must have the capacity to react as a community, to an event which, in a quiet municipality of 15 thousand inhabitants, deeply shakes consciences. This is also why I am preparing to proclaim the city's mourning.”

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