Angelica Pambianco, the 15-year-old girl who disappeared from Cerveteri, has been found

After hours of arrest, Angelica Pambianco, fifteen years old, who had left her home on the evening of 9-10 August in Cerveteri, was found. The very young girl was in Rome, is doing well and was found by the police of Tor Sapienza. The announcement was made by the mayor of the city on the Lazio coast, Elena Gubetti, among the first to announce the disappearance to help with the search. “At the end of this story, fortunately with a happy ending, I sincerely thank first of all the Carabinieri (in particular those of Campo di Mare with whom I was in close contact) and the police forces involved in the searches. Likewise, I thank all those who worked hard to spread the news and the photo of Angelica. I wish you a safe return home and your family a speedy return to serenity. Happy Sunday to all”, wrote the first citizen on social networks.

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