“I was raped by my father”, but everything is false: a 43-year-old man was acquitted on appeal

A 43-year-old man was acquitted on appeal of the rape of his minor daughter. The judgment of the Roman court overturns the verdict of the first instance judges, who had sentenced the man – a carpenter by profession – to eight years of imprisonment under the abbreviated sentence. After 27 months spent in prison and under house arrest, the legal turning point arrives. According to the appeal judges, the young girl accused her father of sexual abuse even though she knew he was innocent. A lie by which the young woman, according to what was reconstructed by the investigations and reported by Corriere della Serashe allegedly tried to get rid of her mother's attentions and start dating a boy she met online.

The attentions

“The minor moved in order to free herself from the attentions of her mother to carry out her adolescent plan to meet the boy with whom she had never had personal contact, but with whom she seemed very in love,” write the judges. It all started when the mother of the girl, now 17, caught her daughter sending nude photos to the boy she met online. The woman allegedly threatened to denounce the latter. And his daughter, in response, reportedly replied: “I should rather report Dad for abusing me.” At first, the mother does not believe it, but ultimately she is convinced to denounce her ex-husband, arrested in October 2021. He is convicted at first instance, but the appeal judges, rereading the story, give a completely different version.

No abuse

The sexual abuse would never have taken place and the “very serious accusation” launched against the father, the judges wrote in the reasons for the sentence, would be nothing other than “a diversion” used by the young girl. to take advantage of the conflict between the parents.

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