Massacre in Moscow, retaliation by Putin and 100,000 NATO soldiers in Poland: the escalation is therefore closer and closer

Russian President Vladimir Putin accuses the West of being responsible for the Crocus City Hall massacre in Krasnogorsk, near Moscow. And NATO is strengthening its flank in the East by bringing 40 to 100 thousand men to the East. While, according to American sources, the Tsar's next target could be the Baltic countries. Starting with Estonia, which has a significant proportion of the population of Russian origin. An attack would trigger Article V of the Atlantic Alliance. And while the Security Council and Russian secret services accuse Ukraine and the West of having helped the IS commando, kyiv claims that the attack is very convenient for the Kremlin because it will justify total mobilization. And the escalation of the war. According to Russia, the confirmation comes from interrogations of those arrested. Who were tortured before finding themselves before the judge.

Arrest warrants

The Moscow court has issued an arrest warrant for the director of the SBU (Ukrainian secret service) Vasyl Malyuk on terrorism charges in connection with the Moscow massacre. FSB chief Alexander Bortkinov said that “the action was prepared by radical Islamists and was naturally facilitated by Western special services.” The Ukrainians are involved. The first data we received from prisoners confirms this. ” He then pointed the finger at the United States and Britain, as well as kyiv: “These three countries have a long history of actions of this type. But the sponsor has not yet been identified. Ukrainian intelligence chief Budanov is a legitimate target for Russian military forces. » While the SBU, according to Moscow, “trains Islamic militias in the Middle East and should be considered a terrorist organization.”

Ukraine is “clearly” responsible

Security Council head Nikolai Patrushev also said that “obviously Ukraine is responsible.” Separately, yesterday the Moscow court confirmed the arrest of the eighth suspect in the Moscow massacre. “The entire Russian information machine, including Putin, tried, even against all logic, to blame our services. However, many inconsistencies and lies are present in the broadcast versions, in particular the fact that terrorists from a police dictatorship managed to reach the Bryansk region unhindered and, in a flash, use a kind of “window” on the border with Ukraine, without doing anything. but confirm assessments of Moscow's interest in this terrorist attack,” he told Corriere della Sera Andrij Cherniak of kyiv military intelligence.


This is why Poland is now asking NATO to lift its security shield. And the Atlantic Alliance, according to Warsaw, is considering the possibility of shooting down Russian missiles on this approach. The Polish army explains today National newspaper, has 100,000 more soldiers than eight years ago and the share of defense spending in the Polish budget is equal to 4% of GDP. The border remains Article 5 which requires mutual defense. The 100,000 NATO troops deployed in the east are part of the Response Force, the rapid reaction unit in the event of a surprise attack. The United States has also already established a corps command in the country. And strengthens the protection of Bulgaria. In the east, NATO's forward presence includes eight multinational battle groups. They are provided by framework countries and other allies on a voluntary basis.

Where are the NATO troops in the East

The troops, under direct NATO command, are now stationed in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania. While missile defense groups are stationed in Latvia, Poland, Slovakia and Romania. Aerial surveillance is active in all countries. After February 24, 2022, the force increased to 40,000 troops and the Alliance is now engaged in the process of increasing the battalions to brigade level (from 1,000 to 5,000 troops each). The new force model replaces Reaction Force. The Allied Commander-in-Chief (code name: Saceur) will have “100 thousand men available within 10 days, 200 thousand between 10 and 30 days, at least 500 thousand between 30 and 180 days”. The United States has 90,000 troops in Europe, including 10,000 in Poland. Germany places 5,000 men in Lithuania, on the border with Belarus.

Sweden and Finland

Then there are Sweden and Finland who block the NATO border to the north and northeast. For the moment, there are no plans to deploy troops in the area. Precisely because it is believed that Helsinki and Stockholm are able to chair it. Anna Zafesova on The imprint meanwhile, he explains that in Russia, now believing in ISIS's claims means playing into the hands of the West. In this context, Islamist extremists were trained by the Ukrainians, themselves in the service of the Anglo-Saxons. A conspiracy cocktail made up of Islamist terrorists, Ukrainian Nazis, the CIA, Interpol, NATO and ISIS. Shake, but don't stir. Also because, according to Moscow's reasoning, the terrorists “confessed”. The fact that one is without eyes, the other without ears and the other in a wheelchair is obviously just a detail.

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