Conte announces the candidacy of the director of “La Notizia” Gaetano Pedullà with the M5: “But if he is elected, he must leave the newspaper”

The director of the newspaper “La Notizia”, Gaetano Pedullà, intends to run with the M5 in the next European elections. Giuseppe Conte tells it on Instagram, who accepted the journalist's proposal “as a member of the M5” for the online consultations that will be used to select the Grillini candidates, but on the condition that he cedes the shares of his newspaper and the management of the newspaper, in case he is elected. “Either you become a politician, or you provide information – writes Conte – Either you become a politician, or you pursue your private interests: it has to work like this”. The former prime minister compares Pedullà's case to that of Antonio Angelucci, League deputy and publisher of Libero, Il Giornale and Il Tempo, who is also considering buying the Agi agency from Eni. An operation to which Conte says he wants to “forcefully oppose” because “depending on the choice to be made, the same person wears the jacket of the politician and a second later that of the entrepreneur”. In short, for Conte, this is clearly a “conflict of interest”, about the extent and implications of which the center-right majority would have “no sensitivity”. Nothing comparable with the case of Pedullà, assures Conte, who shared “struggles and values” with the journalist. For him

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