An orca attacks a white shark and kills it in two minutes: “So she ate its liver.” The unpublished scene – The video

It took less than two minutes for a killer whale to attack and devour a great white shark. The incredible collision, which occurred on June 18, 2023 off the coast of South Africa, was documented in the African Journal of Marine Science. This is a valuable document for scientists, providing new insights into the predatory behavior of killer whales. From what Guardian, this is the first time a lone killer whale has documented an attack on a great white shark, the world's largest predatory fish. The scientists' report said the orca “grabbed the shark's left pectoral fin and pushed it several times before disemboweling it.” Less than two minutes later, she left with “a piece of peach-colored liver in her mouth,” while the carcass of the young white shark appeared on the surface of the ocean. The killed specimen was approximately two and a half meters long and weighed approximately 100 kilograms. Overall, this is a small size for its species, considering that great white sharks can reach up to 6.5 meters in length and 2.5 tonnes in weight.

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