Almost the whole class gets a 3 on the Greek exam, the Maturité affair in Venice breaks out: “Enough, I won't take the oral exam”

The second final exam at the Foscarini classical high school in Venice turned out to be a real massacre: 10 out of 14 students in one class had a serious failure in the Greek version of Plato's text. The votes were “offensive, humiliating and unfair” according to the students, who certainly did not let the matter go unnoticed. The students involved, from what we learn, had average-sized faces. There are those who showed up with a 7, but then received a 3.5 on the test. One student, in particular, decided to give up taking the oral test scheduled for yesterday, June 25. Or rather to boycott it: she appeared before the commission and chose not to voluntarily answer the teachers' questions as a sign of protest. The candidate then asked to review her Greek test and challenged certain corrections from the teacher. Battle which does not intend to end here. In agreement with her family, the student indicated that she would request access to the documents to verify the teacher's correction.

The external Greek teacher and the argument with the internal teacher

The teacher at the centre of the controversy is external and comes from the Franchetti Classical High School in Mestre, in the province of Venice. According to what he reports The Gazzettino, this is not the first time that he finds himself at the center of a school controversy. The professor, in fact, had already been assigned to Foscarini a few years ago and had come into conflict with the internal commissioner of Latin and Greek. The same one who took the class that received an avalanche of serious failures this year. The students themselves revealed this. “A few years ago, the external Greek commissioner had a conflict with our Latin teacher and it turned out to be unfair to us. She kept very low grades, while in the other class, she gave significantly higher grades,” says the student who boycotted the oral exam.

“I protested against an injustice”

“I got a 6.5, but thanks to the correction I did at home with my mother, who has a degree in ancient Greek, I knew I had only made one mistake. I don't understand how she came to give me such a low rating. I asked to see the assignment again, at first they didn't want to, but it was my right and in the end they had to show it to me. I challenged the errors that were pointed out to me,” adds the young girl. “Given the injustice not only towards me, but also towards my companions, I decided to protest. Not feeling respected, I did not didn't want to take the oral exam,” she concludes.

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