After the collapse of Vela Celeste di Scampia, there is a housing problem: displaced people occupy the medical faculty of the Federico II University

Two dead, 13 injured and about 800 people evacuated, including at least 300 minors: this is the toll after the collapse of the balcony in the Vela Celeste district of Naples, which occurred yesterday, July 22 at 10:30 p.m. Among the injured are two little girls in serious condition and in intensive care. And some residents of Vela Celeste abandoned the tent set up by the Civil Protection and headed en masse to the Federico II University of Naples, occupying the Faculty of Medicine. Report that this is The morning. By this evening, 66 homes in Vela Celeste di Scampia for about 300 people will be able to be reoccupied by residents. The indiscretion comes out of the Rescue Coordination Center summoned to the Prefecture of Naples. Currently, the Prefect of Naples, Michele di Bari, and the Mayor of Naples, Gaetano Manfredi, are traveling to Scampia. For the other 500 residents, alternative solutions have been identified to accommodate them while waiting for the checks of the apartments. “The question of whether the overweight caused the collapse of the gallery on the third floor of the Vela Celeste, in Scampia, will be revealed by the outcome of the investigations,” said the Prefect of Naples, Michele Di Bari, in front of journalists on the hypothesis of the cause of the failure. There are unconfirmed rumors that a dispute was underway regarding the structure at the time of the collapse. “I believe that this situation, this option will be known when the results of the ongoing investigations are known – declares Michele Di Bari – It is not up to me to verify or judge everything that happened. We must manage this tragedy, this is the theme, and the theme is to manage people in their dignity to avoid – concludes the Prefect – that the degradation that already exists can be further aggravated by days that could be, so to speak, negative”.

Children of Santobono Hospital

The 7 children involved in the Scampia collapse are hospitalized at the Santobono Children's Hospital. Specifically, the bulletin states, one little girl underwent neurosurgery during the night to monitor intracranial pressure, suffers from a subarachnoid hemorrhage, skull fractures and is in a very serious clinical condition, with a guarded prognosis. The other has a depressed skull fracture and severe cerebral edema. She underwent decompressed craniectomy surgery during the night and the implantation of a sensor to monitor intracranial pressure. He is currently hemodynamically unstable and is in a very serious clinical condition with a guarded prognosis. Three other small patients, aged 10, 2 and 9 years respectively, have suffered significant bone injuries and are currently hospitalized in orthopedics. One for maxillofacial trauma with a severe depressed fracture of the mandibular symphysis and an open fracture of the femur, another with a closed fracture of the distal third of the left humerus, the last with a displaced proximal fracture of the left humerus. They were stabilized and will undergo orthopedic surgery today. The last two, aged 2 and 4 years respectively, suffered multiple contusions with splenic involvement, head trauma without concussion and bilateral pulmonary contusions. They were admitted to emergency surgery and stabilized.

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