European elections 2024, personalities on the ground against abstention

THE May 9 it will be an important day. There Europe Day falls halfway to the 2024 European elections, on June 8-9. Also fundamental for the fight against a silent enemy: abstentionism. To raise awareness ofThe importance of voting in this historic periodon May 9, in the most representative cities of Europe, demonstrations will be organized aimed at recalling the history of the EU and its values, as well as calling to action the greatest number of the “indifferent” but above all among young people.

In Italy, the flagship city will certainly be Rome which will today dedicate Piazza del Campidoglio and Piazza Venezia, where the building is located. Esperienza Europa space dedicated to David Sassoli. What is most striking is number of new generation celebrities that European leaders seem to want to “invoke”. Taylor Swift, Stromae, Rosalia, Maneskin to name a few. I sign this the fundamental target is precisely them, the young people. A difficult and thickening electorate this year. Five countries voted in favor of a law that it also allows young people aged 16 to go to the polls.

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Electoral potential

“No one can mobilize young people better than young people”. This was commented by the Vice-President of the European Parliament, Margaritis Schinas, on the sidelines of a press conference held a few days ago. Who does he think is better than Taylor Swift? One of the most influential women in the world according to Forbes, personality of the year 2023 according to Time, a phenomenon which with her 283 million followers on Instagram he recorded last September, with a simple post, a record of 13 thousand registrations every half hour on vote.organ American site promoting bipartisan voting.

THE 23% more potential voters. A dizzying percentage which tickles European electoral fantasies, to the point of pushing the vice-president himself to a public call to reproduce the phenomenon for us Europeans.

According to data from Eurostat, the EU statistical agency, young people aged 15 to 29 represent a sixth of the European population. A considerable electoral base, so much so that certain countries (Germany, Belgium, Malta, Austria and Greece) have increased the voting age to 16 years. There will therefore be more than 20 million those who will vote in these European elections for the first time.

A double-edged sword. On the one hand, it represents an injection of freshness into an electorate that tends to age. The other you run the riskif they are not caught in time, let these young people surrender replenish the already numerous ranks of abstainers.

Participation data

The last European elections closed with a participation rate of 50.66%. An improvement compared to the last three electoral rounds.

Data on participation in the European elections 2009-2019

The 8% increase compared to 2014 is certainly a good result. However, it is clear that there is a participation problem in Europe.

The interactive map defines, in crescendo of blue, the participation rate in the different states [1]. You notice, as you travel through the different nations, that only half of countries reach 50% and we have to go back as far as Belgium and Luxembourg to reach the dizzying heights of 88% participation. Despite the Eurobarometer, a European survey tool, sees Europeans' confidence in the EU growing, this is a fact that needs to be improved considering the future challenges that Europe will soon have to face.

Why is it important to vote?

The European elections are not just a litmus test for individual states to assess their own strengths in this area. I am a tool. The European Parliament it is the only body elected directly by citizens. The issues to be addressed are numerous, imminent and important.

“What we are experiencing is not an era of change, but a change of era”. Pope Francis' words sum up the situation the emergency of a Union which must take decisions: energy neutrality, fight against human trafficking, mediation for peace. No matter who you vote for, it is important to understand the value of that vote.

Source [1]: Results of the European elections

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