More than a billion people in the world suffer from obesity, the figures are those of an epidemic and in Italy, according to the latest data from the surveillance system of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, in Italy, boys and girls Girls aged 8 to 9 are 19% overweight and 9.8% obese: just under 30%. The data is alarming and the combination of healthy eating and sport is one of the most effective “weapons”.
Giampaolo Fusco, coach of the Csen (Sports Promotion Organization affiliated to CONI) of Riminiwellness, sounds the alarm: “You have to learn to manage your body, train and eat healthy foods where seasonal fruits and vegetables are not may be missing. This is the secret of Pulcinella, capable of considerably improving the quality of life, by prolonging it, of each of us. It is truly worrying to see generations of children, often adolescents, overweight or even obese. Plus, summer is just around the corner and a little exercise won't hurt.”