Campi Flegrei, Minister Musumeci: “It is criminal to authorize construction on the volcano. I would like to demolish all the illegal houses”

A “criminal policy” which allowed, because of laxity, lack of controls and much more, the construction of hundreds of buildings and homes for decades. To the point that today “80 thousand people live in the Campi Flegrei, sitting on one of the worst volcanoes in the world”. During the hearing at the Environment Committee in the House, the Minister of Civil Protection, Nello Musumeci, did not err on the side of caution, highlighting all the critical problems of a bradyseism-prone area with thousands of people who have been holding their breath for months because of the continuous low-level tremors which are disrupting the daily life of the population. The area was, is and will be characterized by phases of slow descent, alternating with phases of uplift, but then why did construction continue for years? The minister points out “the choices that were made and those omitted, those who were supposed to monitor and who did not.” And he repeats: “It is already a crime, and I underline it, to have allowed the settlement of more than eighty thousand people over the last 70 years in this area.” It is not the fault of the inhabitants, explains the minister, “we cannot play with the skin of thousands of people who live in this area and who have never had any responsibility, we must regulate coexistence”. We must now also intervene on the work already carried out, for security reasons: “I would be in favor of the demolition of buildings which could harm those who live there and, of course, all the illegal houses which unfortunately seem to be present in proximity to the caldera. “. In the coming months, the government could consider a census, while a study is underway on 4,000 buildings, a quarter of which present a high seismic risk. Musumeci then announced that in addition to the 40 million euros already planned in the Campi Flegrei decree of 2023, an additional 130 million would be allocated in a bis decree to intervene in schools, in buildings which house minors (such as juvenile prisons and general detention institutions) and also in private residences, depending on the vulnerable groups. The consolidation and reinforcement work will last 3 to 6 years.

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