A priest who found himself in a car hitting a guardrail was rescued, surprised in hospital: positive for cocaine

A 50-year-old priest who works in a parish in Alto Sangro and the suburb of Sulmona was rescued by 118 people on Sunday after his car hit a guardrail. The priest from Colombia was returning from a dinner with a colleague in Pratola Peligna when he lost control of the car, due to the asphalt wet from the rain. At the hospital, his head injury was treated with a few stitches. But the surprise came when the blood tests arrived, normally carried out after a road accident. As the Center reports, the priest tested positive for cocaine, with values ​​greater than three times the authorized limit. For the moment, from the Curia of Sulmona, Mgr. Michele Fusco preferred not to comment, but already today he brought together the College of Consultors to evaluate the measures against the priest. Meanwhile, the traffic police withdrew his penitentiary and reported him for driving under the influence of drugs.

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