Third term, League amendment rejected. The one on the cancellation of the second round of municipal elections was withdrawn and transformed into an agenda.

Nothing to do: the League's battle for the third term of regional presidents ends there. With 112 votes against, 26 for and 3 abstentions, the Senate rejected the amendment which called for increasing the term limit from two to three. The proposal had already been rejected by the Senate Constitutional Affairs Committee, after also receiving the unfavorable opinion of the government. Matteo Salvini's party also presented another amendment, with which it proposes to eliminate the ballot for the election of mayor in municipalities with more than 15 thousand inhabitants, if a quorum of 40% of the votes is reached. The idea immediately aroused the anger of the opposition, and not only that. To the point that the party decided to withdraw it.

Transformation into obg

“We welcome the invitation to include the amendment on the agenda – announced in the hemicycle the head of the group Massimiliano Romeo -, on this point we can understand that two months after the vote it would be incorrect, therefore it can be accepted. It was important for us to ask the question.” The agenda was approved by the Senate by 81 votes in favor, one against and no abstentions. “This time it's an agenda, next time – and we say it to the government – we will keep the amendment until the end and we will put it to the vote”, however announced the leader of the League, Massimiliano Romeo.


A response aimed at calming overheated souls. Democratic Party Secretary Elly Schlein attacked: “The blitz aimed at canceling the second round three months before the vote constitutes a violation of the most basic democratic rules.” This point of view was echoed by the president of the Democratic Party senators, Francesco Boccia, who defined the amendment as “an aberration, a provocation, an unacceptable coup d'état against laws that have proven themselves.” Shortly after, the government also expressed its dissatisfaction with the amendment, calling on the Northern League senators to withdraw. This is how the rapporteur of the electoral decree, Alberto Balboni of Fratelli d'Italia, declared to the Chamber: “I agree in substance, it is a system which has its dignity but I do not see the opportunity to insert it at this stage. moment. Changing the current rules would have required more discussions. Such an important subject should have been approached with a very different method. »

The change on the ballot

More precisely, as reported by Mail, the text of the proposal provides that the candidate who obtains the greatest number of valid votes will be proclaimed elected mayor, provided that he has obtained at least 40 percent of the valid votes. If two candidates both obtain a result equal to or greater than 40 percent of the valid votes, the candidate who obtained the greatest number of valid votes is proclaimed elected mayor. In the event of a tie, the candidate linked to the list or group of lists for the municipal council election having obtained the highest overall electoral result is proclaimed mayor. In the event of a tie in the electoral results, the oldest candidate is proclaimed mayor.

FdI's comment

Concerning the evolution of the Northern League over the third term, bitterness had also appeared within the majority, which had underlined its “dissatisfaction” at creating “divisions on questions which are not the order of the day”: “We were hoping that the third term amendment would not end up in the House. It is regrettable to seek or create divisions on issues that are not on the center-right agenda. But it’s nothing too serious,” he said. The Press the senator of the Brothers of Italy Raffaele Speranzon. “A minute later, once the vote is over, we will return to dealing with the things that interest Italians, reforms rather than the fate of any governor.” The reference seems to be to Luca Zaia, at the head of Veneto who will no longer be able to aspire to reconfirmation. Besides FdI, Forza Italia was also against the third term, as he recalls Republic. And with them all the other opposition parties, with the exception of Italia Viva.

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