91% of Italian consumers are worried about their economic situation

91% of Italian consumers are worried about their economic situation and 81% are worried more broadly about the country's economy. This is underlined by thirteenth edition of the EY Future Consumer Indexwho surveyed the opinions of more than 22,000 citizens around the world including 500 in Italy and exhibits the main changes in consumer behavior following the geopolitical and economic uncertainty that has affected the world.

Among the major concerns of those questioned, we found 75% the rise in prices of electricity, gas and waterand for 73% rising food and fuel prices; they follow in second position health-related problems62% believe that the costs of accessing quality health care are too high.

Between choices that mainly influenced consumptionin addition to economic uncertainties, there are also growing inflationary pressures and climate change, which are pushing Italian consumers to change their lifestyle, thus modifying their spending patterns and adopting more sustainable behaviors which helps them save money. Among them, 76% of those surveyed will be more cautious about spending, and more than 38% of Italians plan to spend more time at home in the future, with the aim of saving: more than 50% of Italians state that they will not reduce their product purchases. essential. This indirectly leads to more sustainable actions, by reducing food and food waste (94%), trying to repair things rather than replacing them (75%), paying more attention to recycling (56%) and saving water (41%). In this context, companies must respond to a demand for more practical products focused on quality, health and sustainability aspects.

Clients SO, they cut back on purchasing physical items mainly to save money (75%) but also to help the environment (43%).

Among the categories in which you plan to spend less There is Fashion Accessories (66%), clothes and shoes (53%), toys and gadgets (49%), consumer electronics (48%), but also beauty and cosmetics (47%), home furniture (43%)e Automobiles (40%).

After the economic-financial factor, in second position Consumer priorities include physical and mental health. Stress related to the economic situation and concerns about the international situation lead to citizens' greater attention to their personal health, which leads to demand for healthier foods. 67% of Italians say they will be more aware and careful of their loved ones Mental Health, monitoring their status via apps or smart devices (43% of respondents). At the same time, however growing dependence on technology for health management, this also leads to additional stress, due to prolonged screen time that generates a constant fear of missing out. To address this, 31% say they limit notifications on their devices during certain periods, and 20% have deleted social media apps from their phone. What emerges from the latest survey is that consumers continue to prioritize life at home, striving to reduce costs and focusing on product quality and value for money. It follows that, when it comes to purchasing methods, consumers are turning online again at pandemic-like levels: 39% prefer online shopping (during the pandemic, the percentage was around 40%), 50% shop both online and in-store, and only 11% prefer the in-store experience.

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