“You will end up like Aldo Moro”, the writing against two teachers of Tito Livio of Milan

“You will end up like Aldo Moro.” This is the writing that appeared in the men's toilets of the Tito Livio Classical High School in Milan, next to the names of two teachers. The principal Simona Forzoni filed a complaint with the police, before canceling the sentence. “By stigmatizing this serious episode, which takes us back to a dark period in our history, culminating with the assassination of Aldo Moro by the Red Brigades, I invite teachers and parents to reflect with students and children on the devastating effects of the drift of political dialectics and keeping collective memory alive. Even today, the people who, despite themselves, found themselves involved in the events of those years, also present in Tito Livio, suffer from what happened. It is important to reiterate that such events have no place in our high school,” writes the director, quoted by the Corriere della Sera. From all sides, after the incident, teachers, students and staff of Tito Livio showed their solidarity with the professors involved. “Some final year students have offered to go to two year classes to organize awareness meetings on this issue. In addition, a group of teachers was trained to develop an in-depth course on the Years of Lead. For the director, the objective is in fact to “keep the memory alive because the authors of the writings do not know what they are talking about”, she concludes.

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