Why Ilaria Salis decided to run, her father Roberto explains: “Contacts also with the Democratic Party. It's not about escaping the process.”

Ilaria Salis' decision to run in the next European elections with the Left-Green Alliance is not intended to avoid the trial, explains her father Roberto Salis after the agreement reached with Nicola Fratoianni for the Italian left and Angelo Bonelli for the Italian left. Green vegetables. It is Roberto Salis who explains why his daughter agreed to run in the elections next June: “Ilaria is taking this decision not as an escape from the trial – explains the father of the teacher detained in Hungary – but to be able to do so. face. with full protection of his rights”. Roberto Salis then explains why the choice ultimately fell on Avs, after rumors of a possible candidacy for the Democratic Party had also circulated in recent days: “The political path chosen is the more consistent with his political past,” explains Roberto Salis The application process has meanwhile begun, with the signing of the necessary documents by Father Roberto confirms that the teacher from Monza “has affixed in the Budapest prison. an authenticated signature, in the presence of the Italian consul in Hungary, on the application forms for the 2024 European elections in the ranks of the Alliance of the Greens and the Left party.

Contacts with the Democratic Party to nominate Ilaria Salis

Roberto Salis then also turns to Elly Schlein, with whom he confirms that there have been negotiations: “In recent months we have also had contacts with the Democratic Party, at the request of its secretary Elly Schlein, whom I thanks personally for his sensitivity and solidarity shown throughout this period with me and my family.” The party secretary had explained to Rai1's “Five Minutes” that the hypothesis of Ilaria Salis' candidacy was now excluded: “This hypothesis is not current – she declared to Bruno Vespa – There are no negotiations in progress”. Schlein had confirmed the meeting with Roberto Salis, specifying however that it was only that. a way of understanding “how we can help get her out of the state she is in”.

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