Where June 2024: news and events

WHERE it is renewed. Not just a restyling but a new narration of the journey. And a rich series of surprises on the way.

Cover: the small uninhabited islands north of Mauritius (Marco Varoli/DOVE)

Be simple, be human» is the key word of our new transformation, immediately visible with the graphic restyling of the monthly magazine, in the name of simplicity, refinement and authenticity, thanks to the new fonts, the elegant color palette and stylistic cleanliness. We are waiting for you at the newsstand Friday May 24.

Wednesday June 19 instead, it will be on newsstands “Time to travel”: a new accessory exclusive to Corriere della Serawhich will be presented during a day of travel events such as “Discovery” of oneself, the world and others.

Simple and human: the meaning of traveling according to the new WHERE

“With all these initiatives” explains director Simona Tedesco “we want to interpret new travel trends, remaining faithful to DOVE's identity: that of accompanying its readers on new itineraries, near or far, by offering the key to live new experiences. To be simple, human, is to seek the essence of increasingly sustainable, more conscious destinations, more valuing personal stories, local traditions, real encounters. The new DOVE project is an invitation to rediscover the luxury of physically connecting with the world and people. The restyling of the monthly magazine, through refined and intuitive graphics, highlights this change in pace of the story, towards simplicity and authenticity.

What's in the new issue of DOVE

What's in the June issue? The new course can already be understood in the 220 pages of the renewed monthly magazine. There is Maurice, it is not just the island of talc beaches, but a place that today tells stories of sustainability, cultural melting pot and peaceful coexistence between different ethnic groups and religions. The section dedicated to weekends is also original, proposed according to the neighborhood's travel trends. sleep, luxury, coolcation (i.e. searching for “cool” places), astro and active tourism.

The report along the Mississippi on the eve of the presidential elections responds to the growing desire for meetings and real experiences, while those dedicated to Sardinia and Salento they offer a unique perspective on the resilience and rebirth of territories. Finally, the addresses of Analogue Milan, worth noting to stock up on vinyl, stop at places with a retro flavor and vintage shops very popular with Millennials, seduced by pre-digital culture. “Our correspondents” concludes Simona Tedesco “weave stories with careful dress, offering images and words full of humanity. It’s our way of being, it’s our story for 33 years, but always projected into a fascinating future.”

June appointments of the DOVE system

Speaking of the future: Wednesday June 19then the doors of Sala Buzzati (via Balzan 3, Milan) will open for an exclusive event dedicated to the launch of the The time of the journey, a new 56-page insert attached to Corriere della Sera, on paper and in newspaper format. The event, in addition to presenting the new back dedicated to “Discovery”will investigate the reasons that push us to leave and the new itineraries for the summer, through three conferences in collaboration with Corriere della Sera, in which guests from the world of culture and entertainment will participate, such as Fabio Alisei, Andrea Bariselli, Victoria Cabello, Alessia Cassetti, Giuseppe Cederna, Folco Orselli, Vito Mancuso, Paride Vitale.

To complete the total immersion in the “Discovery” that every trip can offer, there is three workshops in limited numberby reservation, to discover behind the scenes of DOVE, accompanied by an illustrator, a photographer and a creator of the DOVE social team.

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The full program of the event, streaming on corriere.it, is constantly updated on the iltempodelviaggio.it website

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