Welcome: the Tuscany Region project for women

Women are playing an increasingly important role in tourism, both as travelers (80 percent of travel decisions are made by women and the number of women traveling alone or in company has more than tripled over the last ten recent years) and as entrepreneurs, because by their nature they have the capacity to organize and promote the development of tourism, thanks to their natural empathy.

The number of has increased women-led businessesin a ratio of 1 to 3. But there is still a long way to go, as the percentage of women in high positions or with highly qualified professionals is well below the 20 percent threshold.

DISCOVER ALSO: Grand Tour special for women in Tuscany

Women entrepreneurs in tourism, in growing numbers

“This year there has been an increase of 100,000 women in the tourism supply chain and we must continue in this direction,” said the Minister of Tourism. Daniela Santanché, at the ITB in Berlin, one of the world's leading tourism fairs which closed its doors on March 6.

“Women are often forced to accept work that does not always match their skills, but from which they choose to free themselves, because it is economic independence that truly liberates a woman. We have planned an investment greater than this 21 million euros devote to training of women in tourism, to increase their professional level and skills. Adequate remuneration and incentives must also be guaranteed. The financial measure goes in this direction, which approved the tax break on tipping and night work.

Silvana Cagusi, Pienza, producer of cheeses obtained exclusively with milk from Val d'Orcia (photo by Massimo Sestini/Toscana Promozione Turistica)

The “Welcome” project of the Tuscany Region

In the panorama of women's tourism, an important signal towards the valorization of women, both in their role as travelers and as entrepreneurs, comes from Tuscany. The tourism promotion agency for this region has launched a project whose name already contains a welcoming commitment: “Welcome!”.

A project which aims to build a tourist offer based on care, attention and empathy towards female travelers. A sensitivity to the feminine universe which has ancient roots in this region, traditionally “emancipated”, as were its Etruscan ancestors, who had their own name (in other civilizations, women were only identified by the name of people of belonging).

An emancipation which they also seized the ladies of the “Grand Tour” of yesteryear, women belonging to the British, French, German and Scandinavian aristocracy and bourgeoisie. In the 18th and 19th centuries, these travelers often placed Tuscany among the favored destinations of their explorations. And, with their resourcefulness and curiosity, they passed customs women's freedom to travela privilege previously reserved only for men.

Valentina Corbelli, Torrita di Siena, flag waver, began the art of flag waving at a young age, becoming the protagonist of medieval historical reenactments (photo by Massimo Sestini/Toscana Promozione Turistica)

The stages of the “Welcome” project

In the second half of 2022, the Tuscany tourism promotion agency launched a working table on women's tourism, bringing together 150 stakeholders tourism, including 143 women, with periodic meetings, sharing of ideas and sensitivity, giving new life to an old project of the Region: “Welcome to Tuscany”.

The idea was immediately to create an empathetic value chain that unites travelers and “Tuscan guests”, those who live in the territory and enhance it on a daily basis thanks to their accommodation, catering, places of culture and crafts. Indeed, the project promotes female entrepreneurship in the tourism sector and at the same time encourages meetings between world travelers and local women, who have always expressed extraordinary excellence.

Francesca Bennati, Val di Chiana, breeder of Chianina veal calves. Chianina oxen are one of the oldest breeds in the world (photo by Massimo Sestini/Toscana Promozione Turistica)

To this end, a manifesto of values ​​has been developed containing six promises of attention and care towards female travelers: authenticity, security, hospitality and empathy, well-being, meeting and collaboration, sustainability and good practices.

This year “To welcome” it has been told with dozens of narrative keys, mainly here on OR but also in national and international magazines, it has been the subject of debates, even abroad, told during promotional events in the world of the agency and thanks to this very innovative project, twinnings have been signed with other foreign regions that share its principles.

DISCOVER ALSO: All the episodes of the Special Grand Tour for women in Tuscany

Future challenges of the “Welcome” project

“The result of this year’s work is very positive,” comments the director of Toscana Promozione Turistica, Francesco Tapinassi, “We are pleased with the progress the project has made and the impact it continues to have on international media and operators.”

“The message that in Tuscany we take care of the travel needs of women, increasingly demanding, to the point of dedicating a project to them, confirms the great history of hospitality of the region and is welcomed with enthusiasm, especially at the 'stranger. Many ask us to experience the excellence of the territory for women and there are numerous requests for dedicated press tours.”

Irene Fontecchi, Saturnia – Beauty trainer, beautician and masseuse, enhances the therapeutic qualities of Tuscan mud (photo by Massimo Sestini/Toscana Promozione Turistica)

Artisans, women chefs, archaeologists

“We plan itineraries with Tuscan artisans, but also with female chefs or those who work in the thermal or cultural sector (museums, archaeological sites),” adds the coordinator of the Toscana Promozione project, Clara Svanera“and we build paths that follow in the footsteps of the great women who have marked the history of Tuscany.”

The Women's Atlas

All of this will be brought together into one “Atlas of Women”, while new narrative formats will continue to tell an increasingly welcoming Tuscany through female stories. The important appointment is with the third season of “Great Women’s Tour of Tuscany” created in collaboration with the Dove systemon the pages of the monthly magazine and other print media, and on this site, the Corriere della Sera travel channel.

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