Viterbo, the threatening letter to Mayor Frontini: “They are attacking us because we work legally. But we are not afraid” – The interview

“Slutty bastard daughter”, are the first words of a letter delivered to the mayor of Viterbo, Chiara Frontini. Which continues with other kindnesses like: “Die (with serious suffering), at least we will have substantial satisfaction.” The choice to publicize the contents of the letter was made by the first citizen, who published the image on her Instagram profile. To be noted, as he tells a Open, the “mud machine” which, according to him, was turned on against him. This is evidenced, he explains, by the fact that this episode is only the latest element in a series of intimidations that have occurred in recent months. Started with the broadcast of confidential conversations, recorded and broadcast “to discredit the actions of the administration”, and continued with the vandalism of his car. Found with stiletto heels and red underwear on the driver's side, men's shoes on the passenger side and a “Do Not Disturb” sign typical of hotel rooms.

“They attack us because we respect the law”

After the report was promptly submitted to Digos, he specifies, and thanks to images from surveillance cameras present on site, the author of the action was identified. Which was justified by speaking of “artistic performance”. A justification which does not seem to have convinced Frontini, especially given the letter which was subsequently given to him. She says she had an idea of ​​the reasons for this fury: “We established ourselves outside the traditional partisan system a year and a half ago. Our movement is a civic movement and therefore in clear discontinuity with the system that has governed the city over the last 20-30 years,” he explains. “We are addressing key issues for the development of the city, by managing millions of euros from the Pnrr, in compliance with the law and with a spirit of service. And that probably bothers someone. They attack us because we try to do our best to respect our electoral commitments and because we let’s do it legally.”

The Bagnaccio question

The unknown author of the letter had focused on a particular theme. This concerns the closure and non-reopening of the Bagnaccio thermal park in Viterbo. “90% of the people who frequented Bagnaccio opted for a lasting cure, but you prefer your rich friends who are also bastards,” we read in the text. According to Frontini, however, the affair triggered by the Arena administration and inherited by his own would not be the real reason for the discontent: “There has been a problem of illegal construction and we are working to resolve it, once again in the framework of the law. But this is just another pretext to attack us: we think that this is simply part of a harsh climatic context that we do not intend to endure. »

The perpetrators of the attacks

So, who would the attacks come from? “We at least doubt that all this is a political logic. Failing to oppose the administration on issues, they do so through acts of this type.” However, Frantini does not allow himself to be intimidated: “They try to discredit me by all means, but I have not not afraid.” She expresses no fear for her safety and does not feel isolated either: “After my complaints via social networks, I received many expressions of solidarity. Both from other institutions and from professional associations. And above all many citizens.”

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