Virologist Pregliasco and the anti-vaccines who insult him in the street: “I can no longer take the metro”

Milan State University virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco can no longer take the metro in Milan. And he also has problems moving in the street: “There are people who heavily insulted me” for the positions expressed on Covid “on several occasions: at the traffic lights, in the street while I was walking, at the airport. Unpleasant situations that lead me to say that it is better to use the car rather than the metro,” he told AdnKronos. Pregliasco expressed his “understanding” towards former Health Minister Roberto Speranza, who explained that he said no to the candidacy for the regional elections in Basilicata because “I still feel the weight of Covid and the anti-vax threats”.

For the virologist, the situation is not very different: “Most of the people I meet on public occasions, or who perhaps recognize me in the street, express positive words or even in some cases ask me for a selfie “, he said. But there were also “several situations in which people did not physically attack me, but in fact heavily insulted me.” Pregliasco even reports “complaints of biological damage due to anxiety, apparently brought on by my talks about what, for some, was a so-called emergency.” Two identical cases with two different judges, in one of which, quite rightly, I was found in favor. »And then there are the attacks from haters who continue. You can see it on my social media accounts. With insults, mockery and even, in many cases, threats.”

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