Udine, fight between very young people, a knife appears: three injured. A minor with a guarded prognosis

A minor was stabbed late in the afternoon in Udine following a fight between teenagers. The boy is now hospitalized, under code red and with a guarded prognosis. The attacker would be another minor, on whose trail are now the agents of the Flying and Mobile Brigade of the Police Prefecture. According to a first reconstruction, around 5:45 p.m. on Saturday May 18, a fight broke out between half a dozen boys, all foreign minors. At some point, the altercation – which occurred at two different times and locations, although close to each other – allegedly escalated. One of the protagonists then took out a knife and stabbed another minor in the stomach. Another boy was also hit by several blows and was taken to the emergency room under code yellow, while a third suffered only superficial injuries.

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