Titize. A Venetian dream: here is the Finzi Pasca Company

Waters and sirens, masks and dolphins as airships, the rarefied sound of the glassharmonica, beaches, winds, lagoons. Because “water offers beauty its double,” writes Josip Brodsky in Foundation of the Incurables.

Venice is an elsewhere that sticks you to your seat with the sole force of beauty in the Venetian dream of Titizethe show created by the company Finzi Pasca to tell the city to visitors of all languages ​​and nations with the wonder of poetry.

Theatre, dance, acrobatics, circus, opera: everything is brought together in the Finzi Pasca Company

Titize. A Venetian Dream: the new show by the Finzi Pasca Company in Venice

There are no words, there is no plot. There are images, suggestions, there is the noblest juggling, a pinch of Commedia dell'Arte, the voice of a Farinelli who speaks of the era of the great emasculated. And then Vivaldi, the Lido of the sea baths of Aschenbach and Tadzio. The body, the looks, the suggestions of a marvelous and amphibious world.

The work is expressly designed for Goldoni Theatre from Venice Daniele Finzi Pasca, among the founding members of the company of the same name based in Lugano, Switzerland, which in 40 years of international activity has created more than 40 shows, including 3 Olympic ceremonies, 2 shows for Cirque du Soleil and 8 operas.

“The dramaturgy of our shows uses words sparingly but questions us with contradictory images, allusions and mirages – explains Daniele Finzi Pasca – there will be reflections in the water, the diaphanous blur when the clouds descend low, there will be the mythical game of masquerade that recalls veiling oneself to reveal oneself and then revealing oneself again: the three magical movements that magicians and shamans know and transmit. There will be the night and its madness, the antics of clowns, objects that will levitate, acrobats that will fly, real rain and surreal rain and a continuous recreation of impossible balances. There will be Venice with its splendor, its atmospheres, its poetry and the mysteries that inhabit it.”

Titize in Venetian, it means you are. And every visitor will be able to have a personal encounter with Venice by choosing this story, a substantial operation desired by the Teatro Stabile del Veneto to connect four hundred years of theatrical history and speak to an international audience of all generations, bringing together comedies of art, clowning, dance, music and acrobatic theater.

Maria Bonzanigowho organized the music performed by the Orchestra of Padua and Veneto and the Municipal Choir of Piazzola sul Brenta, crossed Venice day and night to record its sounds and noises.

“Water is the dominant musical element of this city, along with the cicadas,” he explains. “But then the stage music tells the great tradition of the city, from Vivaldi to Farinelli to return to water, which becomes an instrument again with the glass harmonica.”

A siren bursts in, its tail is three meters long: the clothes of Giovanna Buzzi they give form to poetry, as if they came out of Tiepolo's paintings. Or they talk about the masks of the commedia dell'arte, or the atmospheres of Died in Venice, with this Lido dripping with beauty.

There are forty of them in all, they dress the 10 performers in 18 dreamlike scenes that make up the performance. The show will take place in Venice until October 13 to then tell the Venetian dream on the main Italian and European stages, and return to the Lagoon in the summer of 2025.

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“By touching the water, this city improves the appearance of time, beautifies the future,” Brodsky continues. And Venice, humid and enigmatic, is at once guitteria and comedy, opera and street theater, music and dance. The city that makes everyone dream.

Info and tickets on: teatrostabileveneto.it

The Finzi Pasca Company in a new dream show, produced by the Goldoni Theatre, on stage from July 18 to October 13

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