“There were transsexuals spitting infected blood,” continues Cathy la Torre, advisor to the Northern League, Piscina. The party apologizes

The Association for Transgender Culture and Ethics “Acet” filed with lawyer Cathy La Torre a complaint against the city councilor of the League of Milan, Simone Piscina, who found herself at the center of the storm after the shocking sentences pronounced during a town hall session (“In via Mosso, there were transsexuals who spat infected blood at the police”, ed). “First of all, we remind you that “transsexual” – but it is not a good term to use, because we are transgender people and not transsexuals – is a small adjective, not a noun, but above all it 'does not indicate a profession – we read. in the post office. Furthermore, in 2024, continuing to insist on the existence of an analogy of the principle of identity between trans people and sexually transmitted diseases is not only an erroneous concept and which once again refers to the idea that trans* is a profession and not, on the contrary. , a characteristic of the person, but it is also deeply defamatory,” underlines the association.

“Does Piscina remember Bruna?”

Furthermore, according to Acet, “it is easy to exploit an already marginalized community for purely political motivation, but we are not there – the post continues -. We remind you that the police are often violent and abusive towards us. Do you remember Bruna? The trans woman beaten by 4 local police officers when she offered no resistance? Even in this case it was invented, it was first Silvia Sardone, his party colleague at Milan City Hall, who spread this false news, which exposed genitals and infected children. However, that wasn't true. » And again: “During these hours – they write – we were contacted by various media and people to comment on the remarks expressed by the Northern League councilor Samuele Piscina at Milan City Hall. Rather than talking, we thought about taking action: we filed a defamation complaint with La Torre,” the Instagram post concludes.

The League's apologies

“We apologize to Councilor Piscina if anyone was offended by his comments, due to a distorted sentence.” This is what was written in a joint note from the group leader and vice-president of the Lega group of the Municipality of Milan, Alessandro Verri and Deborah Giovanati, after the convictions of the provincial councilor and secretary of the party, Samuele Piscina. “It is clear that a certain type of language is unacceptable in an institution and we take full responsibility for a member of our political group – they emphasize -. This is why we demand the same respect from Councilor Albiani who cannot afford to offend the Milan League by saying that it is backward from a human and cultural point of view, by deliberately offending the members of the group both in the Commune and in the Communes. , people of great professional value from a personal point of view and who constantly work for the good of Milan with dedication, competence, passion and without discriminatory attitudes,” the press release concludes.

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