The transfers to the League for the port and the no of Giovanni Toti to his resignation: “They were not bribes, I governed”

The president of the Liguria Region, Giovanni Toti, does not intend to resign. He told his lawyer Stefano Savi this yesterday in Ameglia's house where he is under house arrest. But the investigation into corruption in Liguria focuses on money from waste treatment companies. Of which the governor would have received 195 thousand euros over four years. And while Fratelli d'Italia is inclined to wait at least a month before calling for Toti's resignation, another political front is opening. Which involves the League. Under the microscope are two disbursements of 15 thousand euros each from entrepreneur Aldo Spinelli to Carroccio between May and August 2022. In an intercepted conversation Spinelli speaks with the president of the Genoa Port Authority Paolo Signorini and says: “ At the League I made a bank transfer”.

Toti's resistance

For now, Toti has no plans to vacate the governor's seat. “I am calm in my actions but I cannot know how all the people who move in my name in the area move,” is one of the thoughts reported today by the Corriere della Sera. And again: “I did not accept bribes, I did not pursue any private interest. If there have been any misunderstandings, I will clarify them.” The former Mediaset player wishes to answer the questions of the preliminary investigating judge Paola Faggioni during the preliminary interrogation, scheduled for tomorrow. He wants to do so in order to then present a request on personal freedom And then possibly an appeal to the Court of Review This would be the first step to regain political viability. The imprint he said his wife Syria Magri was with him. “It wasn’t bribes, but I governed,” he always said in his defense. “Everything I did was to improve Liguria,” is his thesis.

Transfers to the League

Meanwhile, the picture regarding Spinelli is best described from the wiretaps. Daily fact reports a project of the contractor with the MSC of Luigi Aponte (not under investigation) to divide the areas of the bulk terminal of the port of Genoa. Spinelli is at 55%, Aponte at 45%. The idea is to dismantle it by merging the western part with the areas formerly owned by Spinelli and the eastern part with those of MSC. However, the project costs 190 million euros. Both hope for the intervention of the Pnrr. And they talk about a meeting with Giancarlo Giorgetti, then Minister of Development. “He is ready to do it on his own (the project, ed),” says Spinelli. Who, when Signorini is skeptical, replies: “We made them a bank transfer too, then we will make them another one, don't worry.” In fact, in the end, 30 thousand euros will arrive at Carroccio between May and August.

The 200 thousand euros at Spinelli

In the meantime, the Guardia di Finanza found 200 thousand euros in cash at Spinelli's home. This is part of the 570,000 which the investigating judge had ordered to be seized. The order specifies that among the financiers of Change, the foundation led by Toti and the Giovanni Toti Committee, in addition to port entrepreneurs, there are also those who deal with waste and landfills. Like Pietro Colucci, an entrepreneur from Campania who in 2021 managed some landfills in the province of Savona intended for the disposal of special non-hazardous waste with recovery of materials and electricity from biogas. According to investigators, between 2016 and 2020 Colucci, through his companies, had financed Toti to the tune of 195 thousand euros.

In the same period, “the companies belonging to the Colucci group – we read in the order – had as their institutional contact the Liguria Region, responsible for issuing authorizations for the management of landfills. All funding from group companies attributable to Colucci and directed to the Change Committee and the Giovanni Toti Liguria Committee had not been approved by the respective corporate bodies and, in some cases, had not even been included in the balance sheet. .

Voters angry at promised work

In the newspapers one can also read complaints about the work promised and not delivered in exchange for the vote. GS, who is part of the Riesi community, interviews city councilor Stefano Anzalone, whom he helped elect. A series of messages from September 2020 to February 2021. “Hello Stefano, thank you for your commitment to Global Service contacting me but unfortunately with my back pain and my sciatica problem I cannot carry out this type of task. Me, my wife and my son are at home without work. Me, parents and friends supported you, 32 sure votes! I need a safe place to feel comfortable and a decent salary. Thanks to the grades I got you, you've settled in. We are all at home in the family. I hope you will think about it. I never bothered you, at home I'm behind on rent and bills. I beg you, on my knees if you help me find a decent job,” he wrote. Anzalone did not respond to him.

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