The story of Erminio Diodato, the entrepreneur arrested for drugs and compensated after 5 months in prison as innocent: “I lost everything”

He was arrested, then five months in prison and two months under house arrest and finally obtained a full acquittal. But in this ordeal, Erminio Diodato, originally from Vergiate, in the Varese region, lost everything. Ended up in the police investigation into a drug trafficking network, he found himself handcuffed with a 43-year-old Albanian who immediately explained that the two kilos of cocaine found in a warehouse used by Diodato's company were his . However, the judicial authority did not believe these confessions, proceeding to pre-trial detention of the entrepreneur then requesting his indictment. Assisted by lawyer Daniele Galati, the entrepreneur today received compensation from the State in the amount of 60 thousand euros. The Milan Court of Appeal granted this decision, accepting the request for unfair detention. “At least it's enough to start again, given that my client lost a case worth 240 thousand euros per year. The compensation claim amounted to around half a million,” the lawyer emphasizes.

“I have lost everything I have worked for all my life”

“I lost everything I had worked for all my life – Diodato told Ansa – That morning, when I was called, I didn't even want to contact the lawyer: I knew I wouldn't I hadn't done anything wrong. It was all painful and surreal, as if they were talking about another person. » Following an anonymous phone call, more than two kilos of cocaine and a press which, according to investigators, would have been used to package the blocks of narcotics were found in his company's warehouse. Despite the statements of the other arrested person, the businessman's trial continued. Until the last word: total acquittal. Diodato knew nothing about drugs. But within a few months, his life changed in ways he never expected.

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