Bologna, three children and their mother died in a fire in Via Bertocchi

Three children died in a fire that broke out in an apartment on Via Bertocchi in Bologna with their mother. The woman, whose name is Stefania Alexandra Nistor, was about to be hospitalized in serious condition at Maggiore Hospital but died while being transported by ambulance. He was 32 years old and of Romanian origin. The fire broke out on the outskirts of the city. Firefighters, 118 with medical vehicles and ambulances as well as the police were on site. The prosecution was also informed. The children were two-year-old twins and a six-year-old. According to initial information, the cause of the fire was a short-circuited electric heater. The apartment was seized. Investigations have begun. The apartment is located on the fourth floor of the building. Neighbors say it was “a tragedy.” According to firefighters, the mother and her three children died from the smoke produced by the burning stove. The father arrived on site in work clothes.

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