The researcher who studies UFOs: “But don’t ask me if they exist”

red ufo edward

Edoardo Rosso, from Turin, is a member of the Italian Center for UFO Studies and the EuroUfo collective. On March 20, he will be at the European Parliament in Brussels to talk about UFOs. Or rather Uap: Unidentified Abnormal Phenomena. The meeting was organized by Portuguese MEP Francisco Guerreiro, from the Greens group. “I will present a historical perspective of studies on the subject in Europe. It's a phenomenon observed by millions of people: on average 6.5 percent of the continent's adult population,” Rosso explains today to Courier from Turin.

Unidentified flying objects

This is not the first time that this has happened: “At the end of 1990, following a series of observations in Belgium, it was Tullio Regge who broached the subject. The Turin physicist, then a European parliamentarian, proposed in 1993 to increase the European skills of the CNES Study Group on Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena, practically the French NASA, to collect data at European level. However, in 1994 the legislature ended and the proposal was not acted upon. » But now we move forward: “It was not only the housewife from Voghera who saw unidentified flying objects, but also soldiers and pilots, like those who observed an object flying over Turin on November 30, 1973, who also been detected by Caselle radar. The armed forces have been collecting testimonies for decades and it is for greater democratization and transparency that Guerreiro has acted.”


For Rosso, the UAPs are also a symbol to talk about military, cultural and social aspects: “In general, I define them as a Rorschach figure: everyone sees what interests them most.” He’s been taking care of it “since he was little. After all, serious, so-called rational, ufology was born in Turin and I grew up in the school of Gianni Settimo who, in 1964, founded the first journal on the subject. His name was Clypeus and he was in charge of flying saucers. Then they became UFOs and now UAPs. The names are changed to dismantle the previous one, but the substance remains the same. » Even if you don't make money from ufology: “If we talk about professionalism, it's of a high level. We are halfway between investigators, historians and popularizers.”

To Turin

Its organization operates mainly in Turin: “In our archives, the second in Europe after those of our Swedish colleagues, we preserve hundreds of linear meters of documentation collected over the decades, combined with a complete bibliographic collection of publications in Italy on the subject”. Finally, the question of questions: how many times has he been asked if he believes in UFOs: “There are not many of them. Unfortunately the question was and remains poorly posed. The scientist does not seek to believe but to collect data: many explain, others do not. It is not a question of faith and when it comes to certain proof, for the moment, I assure you: there is no irrefutable proof. »

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  • The debate on UFOs also reaches Italy: the case of Castelporziano which involved the American secret services. “But it’s not about aliens”

The article The researcher who studies UFOs: “But don't ask me if they exist” comes from Open.

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