The religious teacher who abused children at a Milan nursery school

The Milan public prosecutor's office has requested the indictment of a 35-year-old religious teacher who ended up in prison at the end of March last year for sexual violence against four children in a nursery. The abuse was documented thanks to the microcamera system placed by the local police, following a complaint from a colleague. According to what was reconstructed in the custody order, signed by the investigating judge Lorenza Pasquinelli at the request of the prosecutor Rosaria Stagnaro, the first to suspect that the man was a teacher who suddenly entered the classroom and immediately after opening the door. “unusual” gesture of the teacher who hurriedly moved away from a little girl. Suspicions which led to the opening of an investigation with microcameras which were able to document the actions of the 35-year-old man, leading to his arrest.

Involved in another investigation into the abuse of 40 other children

In the coming weeks the preliminary hearing will take place before investigating judge Angela Minerva and in the meantime, in recent days, the accused has moved from prison to house arrest in a therapeutic community. The teacher is involved in another line of investigation in which reports and testimonies of abuse were collected from forty other children in the schools where he taught. In his common sense, according to a 2005 medical report retrieved by the defendant's defense, the 35-year-old man suffers from a rare illness which involves, among other things, sexual disorders. The expert Marco Lagazzi, appointed by the investigating judge, however established that the man can face the trial also because he was fully capable of understanding and willing at the time of the facts.

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