The pro Vannacci committee meets in Pisa, with more than 300 members. “But we are not a party”

There are many of them, 70 “delegates” for around 300 members and at least 3,000 registered on the website and the newsletter of the national committee.The world upside down» – a sort of cultural circle linked to General Roberto Vannacci. And they gathered today, at the Continental Hotel in Tirrenia, in the Pisa region, for the first national assembly. “But we are not a party – President Fabio Filomeni explains to Ansa – we are a group of free people who recognize themselves in the opinions of those whom I like to define as our military and not political comrades”. In the room, promoters say, there were only five paratroopers out of 70 delegates. And the general, guest of honor at the event, specifies: “Paratroopers are citizens like everyone else and have their ideas. Not everyone has to think like me. »

And League MEP Susanna Ceccardi arrives in the room

Vannacci, currently suspended by the Defense Ministry, clarified: “I made it clear from the beginning that I was ready to participate in the Committee's initiatives only if they were cultural events to disseminate my ideas and my thoughts, but what if this becomes something political. then I would not join because faced with the countless requests that come to me from the political world to go into the field, I gave them all the same answer: it is not yet time to dissolve the reserve.” The MEP from the League, Susanna Ceccardi, showed up in Tirrenia to show her solidarity: “He also told me that he had not dissolved the reserve – said the member of the Northern League -. However, I believe that he would be an excellent candidate for the League because the opinions contained in his book'The world upside down» reflect many of our values. I told him a joke: if he really doesn't want to run in the European elections, he should at least support my candidacy.” Also present in the room was the League's regional councilor Massimiliano Baldini.

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