The M5 rules for self-nominations in the European elections, the discussion on languages ​​and the arrest of elected officials: Virginia Raggi is therefore out

The M5s has opened self-candidates for the 2024 European elections. According to the rules published on the site, five deputies will be able to run from today, Tuesday March 26, until April 2 at 8 p.m. What attracts attention is article 3, paragraph l of the regulations: anyone who wants to run must not currently hold – we read – an elective mandate, unless this expires in 2024 or whether he is a municipal, district or municipal councilor in office regardless of the expiration of his mandate; must not have served two terms; a mandate as a municipal, district or municipal councilor, exercised at any time, is excluded from the count of the limit of two elective mandates”. Translated: no green light for Virginia Raggi in Brussels. As he remembers The Republic, the former mayor of Rome is a municipal councilor, so she falls under the first exception. But not in the second since Raggi is currently serving a third term (two as municipal councilor, one as first citizen). “If in the future there were to be exceptions to the rule of the second term, and this is not certain, we would announce them with the appropriate importance, we would not hide them with some codicil”, they say in the Roman journal of the Movement. Headquarter.

The news

However, the regulation includes other new features. To apply, you need documents attesting to “contributions, services, counter-performance or other perceived benefits with a total value greater than 5,000 euros per year provided, directly or indirectly by governments or public bodies of foreign states or by natural or legal persons having their head office in a foreign country. But not only that: candidates for the European elections will also have to “declare a level of knowledge, both written and oral, of one of the foreign languages ​​most used in relations within the European Parliament”. These skills can be the subject of “an interview aimed at verifying the veracity of the comments made”, write the 5 stars.

Cover picture: ANSA/Riccardo Antimiani

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