the initiative that is good for health and the planet

In 2024 a Thirty you can win while cycling. He left at the beginning of the year “By bike to work”, the municipal project aimed at encouraging mobility on two wheels. This is one of the 13 initiatives planned by the Home-work travel plan for 2024 of the Municipality of Trento. The objective of the plan is to make commuting safer and to encourage the use of bicycles and public transport. In short, an ambitious project that combines the health of the planet and the health of citizens.

Cycling to work: the project of the Municipality of Trento

They participated in this first phase of the Bike to work project 150 municipal employees on a voluntary basis. Employees who cycle to work will be assigned a reimbursement based on kilometers traveled. Reimbursements will be equal to 0.25 euros for each kilometer traveled on the home-work journey for a maximum amount of 2 euros per day and 20 euros per month. To encourage participation, there will also be a competition to see who will cover the most kilometers: the first seven classified will receive an additional prize of 20 to 50 euros.

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If the experiment gives positive answers, the project will involve Also all citizens for home-to-work and home-to-school travel. The Municipality has allocated 36,000 euros to invest in Bike to work. This money is intended for participant rewards, but also for the development of the system dedicated to monitoring and certifying kilometers traveled.

A sustainable mobility plan

The Bike to work project is part of a broader plan by the Municipality of Trento aimed at promoting sustainable mobility and, at the same time, an active lifestyle for its citizens. In addition to reimbursement for kilometers traveled by bike, a review of the city's cycle paths, in order to adapt and implement them. The plan also includes the introduction of changing rooms and showers in offices, a pragmatic measure aimed at encouraging the use of bicycles when commuting.

Trento is not the only city in Italy to turn to the world of sustainable mobility. Also Bergamo, Bari, Foggia, Pescara and Reggio Emilia they experienced projects similar to Bike to work. In Bergamo, a first incentive project for those who choose to go to work by bicycle began in 2020. Initially reserved for municipal employees, from 2022 it was extended to all citizens. If we consider that the 61% of Italians own at least one bicycle (data from the Findomestic observatory for the year 2023), but only 1 in 4 people use it to go to work, projects like Bike to work can really be a great incentive.

One project, many advantages

Cycling to work can make a real difference. It's a way of Stay active, reduce a sedentary lifestyle and achieve the 150 minutes of weekly activity recommended by the WHO (World Health Organization). The bicycle is a sustainable means of transport, which allows us to reduce pollution and traffic in the city. This makes the safer roads and themore breathable air for citizens.

Also from an economic point of view there are advantages. Bike to work prices seem like a symbolic figure, but doing some math the numbers are higher than they seem. A person who cycles 20 kilometers per day and works five days a week saves around 150 euros per month compared to someone who uses a car. By benefiting from a reimbursement of 20 cents per kilometer, he manages to obtain the maximum amount of 50 euros per month. At the end of the month you will then have 200 euros more by using the bike instead of the car.

cycling to work

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