The government is moving forward on the Economic and Financial Supervisory Agency for professional sports clubs: “The substance will not change”

“The draft article of law which provides for the creation of the Economic and Financial Supervision Agency for professional sports clubs will not be rewritten. There will only be physiological changes but the substance will not change. » This is what sources from the Ministry of Sports told ANSA, who stressed, in the face of the controversy, that “the president of the FIGC, Gravina, had been aware for some time of the work carried out for the creation of this Agency. “. “The basic structure – they explain to the ministry – will therefore remain the same, but with some adjustments if valid ideas emerge from the public or institutional debate”. What remains is “the independent agency which would replace Covisoc in the control of budgets and costs of the clubs, but the final decision on the admission or not of the clubs to the championships would always fall to the federal council”. The ministry specifies that “the amending decree introduced in the summer of 2023 provides by state law that economic-financial controls must be punctual and effective and only the final measures are the responsibility of the federations.

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