The gift from Renato Zero and Elodie: “He discovered it while singing with me”

From this evening Renato Zero is in concert in Rome for eight dates, in June he will arrive in Bari and Naples. And in an interview with Corriere della Sera talks about his life and career. Since childhood: “Mom prepared lasagna at home and then we all went to Ostia. We ate on the beach. The train stopped at Castel Fusano, you had to walk forty minutes, you had to reach the sea, it wasn't free.” Alla Montagnola lived in a police condominium like her father Domenico: “Success is a fierce beast. Either you keep it at bay or it causes disaster. I've never gotten used to it. My 73 years seem great, but you never stop learning and you never invent enough.”

Ostia has changed

Today, he says, Ostia has changed: “The water has eaten the beach. But the sea 20 minutes from Rome is a dream. I go there by motorbike to eat fish. I have a three-wheeled Harley Davidson. I've always had a weakness for these bikes, the others scare me. The Japanese are running, they have monstrous determination, the Harley is nothing but smoke and fire. The exhaust makes this infernal noise but its beauty is in the fairing, in the wheels, it is made to go slowly, to take advantage of the wind.” And he says he sleeps alone: ​​”I have always preferred a solid friendship. It doesn't matter what gender she is, even if out of ten friends, seven are women and three are men: the woman rightly occupies a very high position in the hit parade of credibility.” Her mother Ada remembers: “When I think of her, I think of her devotion to my father, of the sacrifice of climbing the steps of Trinità dei Monti three times a day: to take her children to school with the French nuns of the Sacré-Cœur., to deliver to us the lunch in the wicker basket and pick us up. And he also worked at the Santo Spirito hospital. They say: women of the past had incredible fibers. They have it today too, but man Don’t admit he lost.”

Elodie's dowry

Then he talks about his colleagues. Gaetano gave Rino a hat: “He said his felt top hat was too heavy, so I brought him a black top hat from home. Very light. Rino was a missed prospect for me. When we were dating, he was full of verve, a volcano. Some of our friends warned me: Rino has fragile balance. By leaving abruptly, he took away the opportunity to help her and that hurt me.” Then he went on stage with Elodie: “She looked for me, but I couldn't wait for her to calls, she has enormous energy. He wanted to sing Mi vendo. Me: “No, my love. You have wonderful strings, a great performer, best In the gardens that no one knows.” And I think she was moved on stage because she discovered this gift.”

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