The emails that could trap Daniela Santanchè in the Visibilia investigation: insights from the Report

Two emails, sent by Paolo Concordia, external collaborator as personnel manager of Visibilia Editore and Visibilia Concessionaria, could trap Tourism Minister Daniela Santanchè, proving that she was aware of the facts regarding the Covid fund and an alleged false accounting. The man is the subject of an investigation as part of the investigation into the hypothesis of fraud at the INPS and has asked to be heard by the prosecution. In the first message, Concordia responds to Federica Bottiglione, former head of investor relations at Visibilia. The woman had been laid off without her knowing anything about it. Among those in the same situation, she was the first to notice it. The email exchange dates back to October 21, 2021. At Concordia, which processed the salary slips including Bottiglione's, the woman requested clarification on the duration of the severance pay given that she was considering purchasing a home shortly after. He will talk about it, as planned above Daily factthe Reportage program broadcast this evening on Rai3.

The reward for work accomplished

And the banks do not look favorably on layoffs. “I wouldn’t want there to be any problems with the bank,” she wrote. “Hello Fede – he replies – I need confirmation from the doctor”. “The doctor” is Daniela Santanchè, who within a month would have left the Visibilia group without occupying any position. The second email dates from April 2022. The message emphasizes that the employees worked, and quite a bit, even during the period when they should not have. So much so that they were rewarded. Concordia writes to six employees: “The company, to thank everyone for the always fruitful collaboration and the commitment demonstrated, even in this difficult period of work, has decided to award a company bonus for the year 2021 to all employees; so you will receive everything in the coming days.” Also copied are Santanchè and his partner Dimitri Kunz who is also under investigation as part of the Covid fund investigation.

The 5 thousand euros in Santanchè

The emails he will discuss in detail this evening Reports are still expected today, Sunday April 21, in the pages of daily event, and deny the thesis according to which the current minister was foreign to the facts. There are also messages from Kunz to Antonino Schemoz, which concern the line of investigation into the company's alleged false accounting. Both are under investigation. Schemoz had apparently purchased 5% of Visibilia Srl so as not to leave Santanchè with full responsibility for reorganizing the company in the event of debts. Kunz writes to Concordia: “We must remember that Schemoz must pay $5,000 to Dott by December 31.” To which Concordia replied, “I assume you get them from Visibilia.” Or by the masked knight.” Phrases which could conceal an operation which was not carried out openly and for which the two men will have to answer to the investigators.

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