The counting is over in Sardinia, Todde won by 1,600 votes: what can happen now

Alessandra Todde won the regional elections in Sardinia with a gap finally reduced to 1,600 votes over Paolo Truzzu. The still unofficial figure, awaiting the announcement of the elected officials, comes at the end of the counting of the 19 sections which were still missing after the vote of February 25. As Ansa reports, based on these unofficial data, the gap between the two candidates, however small, excludes the possibility of a reversal, as has been broadcast several times in recent days, always on the unofficial database. Todde herself mentioned yesterday March 3 “a range between 1,400 and 1,600 additional votes” and said she was calm about the confirmation of the result already emerging from the polls. No comment yet from the center-right, whose ranks are awaiting official data before evaluating possible use of ART.

Until last week, the gap between the two candidates was a little over 2,600 votes, then oscillated according to press rumors between 800 and 1,600. Figures never really confirmed, until this latest revelation from Ansa, as well as Corriere della Sera which cites sources from the Court of Cagliari. All that remains is to wait for the proclamation of those elected to the Court of Appeal. There will therefore be 60 days for anyone who wishes to appeal to the TAR and check possible irregularities in the very long Sardinian count.

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