Chiara Ferragni looking for partners? The slowdown in the Fenice crisis after the Balocco affair: “Lots of contacts, but that doesn’t sell”

Fenice, the company that manages the clothing of the Chiara Ferragni brand, has denied seeking new shareholders. A denial which appears heavy in the analysis published by Republic since it essentially confirms that the sale of 27% of the shares announced in June failed and that therefore for the moment no one would be ready to give new life to the company, whose economic situation has been weakened by the affair Balocco to the point of requiring a capital contribution of around 6 million euros. What determines the urgency, in fact, seems to be the drop in income of more than 40% filtered yesterday by the Messenger which follows the fine of 400 thousand euros imposed by the Antitrust. Only the first of the sanctions against companies linked to Ferragni. Shortly after, the sum of 675 thousand euros to Tbs Crew also arrived, in addition to that of 420 thousand euros to Balocco. It doesn't matter if the queen of influencers appealed the Antitrust decision. The economic damage is already visible.

“Lots of contacts, but we don’t sell”

In a statement dated April 27, Fenice – which had anyway been evaluated in January 2023, as revealed Open, one twentieth of what Ferragni is now asking for – he specifies “that he has not encountered any contraction in his turnover until mid-December 2023”. In 2023, the entrepreneur had his share valued, corresponding to 32.5% of Fenice Srl, obtaining a valuation of 1.5 million euros. This means that the entire company was worth twenty times less at the time of the valuation than the 75 million on which the potential capital increase of 6 million euros is now calculated. Concerning 2024, “Fenice specifies that it operates in several countries whose performances were only partially impacted by the events of December 23”.

“Overseas revenues fell slightly”

The hypothesis of Republic is that the events of the Balocco affair did not have a foreign resonance to the point of seriously affecting the economic situation of the company from which the 36-year-old businesswoman now expects a rebirth, not only because of the name that she wears. Even if Fenice always makes it known that no negotiations have been started with any investor, there has been no shortage of contacts from interested parties in recent weeks. Among these contacts, Fenice certainly also refers to those of the club deal organized by the founder of AVM Giovanna Dossena to which Alchimia of Paolo Barletta and Lorenzo Castelli, which now holds 40% but which should have sold up to 27% of the company to the club for around 20 million euros. Most of the remaining shares, on the other hand, belong to the company Sisterhood registered in the name of Chiara Ferragni, while among the minority shareholders, unchanged, there are the Esuriens and the N1 of Pasquale Morgese.

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